Atari Icon Library
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Desktop icons for Atari computers

Note: All files on this page are in zip-format and contains colour icons in RSC-format.

FalcAMP iconArchive 81 (63+63 system icons) [Preview] [Download]

Fresh and clean icons for music apps! :)

Converted by: Thierry Leroy (email) (URL)

README Icon (UK)Archive 82 (27+27 document icons) [Preview] [Download]

More quality icons from Thierry Leroy, this time for documents!

Converted by: Thierry Leroy (email) (URL)

Digital Garage IconArchive 83 (22+22 chromed icons) [Preview] [Download]

Really slick icons from Digital Garage. Whole set in both 48x48 and 32x32

Created by: Jon Wojan (Digital Garage)

Swedish flag iconArchive 84 (22 flag icons) [Preview] [Download]

Flag icons for 22 countries! :)

Converted by: Joakim Högberg (email) (URL)

Scrows Real Doc iconArchive 85 (15 document icons) [Preview] [Download]

Various document icons

Icons created by Scrow (Scrow's Icons)

Converted by: Joakim Högberg (email) (URL)

Scrows QNX iconArchive 86 (22 QNX icons) [Preview] [Download]

More icons from Scrow, this time QNX-icons :)

Icons created by Scrow (Scrow's Icons)

Converted by: Joakim Högberg (email) (URL)

Scrows glyph iconArchive 87 (103 Glyph icons) [Preview] [Download]

This is really a cool set, a whole bunch of mini icons in 256 colours!

Icons created by Scrow (Scrow's Icons)

Converted by: Joakim Högberg (email) (URL)

Scrows Junje iconArchive 88 (98+98 Junje icons) [Preview] [Download]

Another great looking set, all icons in both 32x32 and 16x16 versions!

Icons created by Scrow (Scrow's Icons)

Converted by: Joakim Högberg (email) (URL)

Scrows OpenStep iconArchive 89 (24+26 OpenStep icons) [Preview] [Download]

More nice icons from Scrow, either in 32x32, 48x48 or both :)

Icons created by Scrow (Scrow's Icons)

Converted by: Joakim Högberg (email) (URL)

Halloween iconArchive 90 (28 Halloween icons) [Preview] [Download]

Nice welldrawn Halloween icons now for Atari :)

Icons created by Pierre Cavanna (IconStreet)

Converted by: Joakim Högberg (email) (URL)

OSx iconArchive 91 (49 OSx icons) [Preview] [Download]

All nice icons, some inspired by Mac OS X

Icons created by Pierre Cavanna (IconStreet)

Converted by: Joakim Högberg (email) (URL)

Scrows SoftD iconArchive 92 (78+64 SoftD icons) [Preview] [Download]

Yet a slick icon set by Scrow, most of the 32x32 icons have a 16x16 brother :) All in 256 colours

Icons created by Scrow (Scrow's Icons)

Converted by: Joakim Högberg (email) (URL)

@reGIS iconArchive 93 (50 @regIS icons) [Preview] [Download]

House of @reGIS, another nice set from IconStreet

Icons from IconStreet (IconStreet)

Converted by: Joakim Högberg (email) (URL)

Scrow's Preemo iconArchive 94 (66+66 Preemo icons) [Preview] [Download]

A nice set by Scrow, in both 32x32 and 16x16 :) All in 256 colours

Icons created by Scrow (Scrow's Icons)

Converted by: Joakim Högberg (email) (URL)

Archeology iconArchive 95 (77 archeology icons) [Preview] [Download]

A beautiful set of nicely shaded icons

Icons created by Lyle Zapato (URL)

Converted by: Matthias Jaap (email) (URL)

Babylon5 iconArchive 96 (75 Babylon5 icons) [Preview] [Download]

An iconset for all lovers of Babylon5 :)

Converted by: Matthias Jaap (email) (URL)

Beetle iconArchive 97 (22 VW icons) [Preview] [Download]

Icons of both the old and new VW Beetle

Icons created by Lyle Zapato (URL)

Converted by: Matthias Jaap (email) (URL)

Console iconArchive 98 (19+19 console icons) [Preview] [Download]

Nice icons for various game consoles, both 32x32 and 16x16 :)

Icons created by Stanley Sy (URL)

Converted by: Matthias Jaap (email) (URL)

Dark Angel iconArchive 99 (50+23 Dark Angel icons) [Preview] [Download]

A set of Darkangel icons

Icons created by Jim Rowley (email)

Converted by: Matthias Jaap (email) (URL)

Octopus iconArchive 100 (7 octopus icons) [Preview] [Download]

Colourful octopus icons

Icons created by Lyle Zapato (URL)

Converted by: Matthias Jaap (email) (URL)

<< Go to archives 81-100 Go archives 101+>>

About this page:

I believe all these files to be shareware or freeware and thus free to distribute. However, if you believe that is not the case then please get in touch! If you have got nice looking Atari icons or PC icons you would like to see converted to Atari then do not hesitate to contact me!

Joakim Högberg (
