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Recent changes

2008-04-16AtarICQ 0.173 is released! Several tweaks and fixes. Program license changed to freeware.
2008-04-16AtarICQ 0.172 is released! Support for GIF backgrounds in the contact list, and some more changes and additions.
2007-10-06AtarICQ 0.171 is released! Even if the OVL is still not updated, there are a good number of additions and fixes to the client, making this an upgrade well worth the effort.
2007-06-30AtarICQ 0.170 is released! A large number of small fixes, a few additions and at least one serious bug fixed. Program was released during NAS2007.
2007-06-30AtarICQ 0.170 is released!
2006-04-15AtarICQ 0.168 is released! Mostly smaller changes, but a nice update especially for XaAES users.
2006-02-13AtarICQ 0.167 is released! AOL recently made a slight change on their ICQ servers, preventing aICQ from evaluating incoming messages. If you use aICQ, you need this update!
2005-12-31AtarICQ 0.166 is released! First implementation of AIM support, as well as evaluation of the server side list.
2005-10-25AtarICQ 0.165 is released!
2005-04-05AtarICQ 0.164 is released! Alphabetical sorting of contacts added
2004-12-24AtarICQ 0.163 is released! We got TABs now!
2004-11-17AtarICQ 0.162 is released! Icon blinking implemented
2004-11-01AtarICQ 0.161 is released! Look out especially for additions to preferences dialog.
2004-06-03AtarICQ 0.160 is released! Most noticeably, the overlay has been updated again :)
2003-09-22AtarICQ 0.159 second edition (French only) is released
2003-08-27AtarICQ 0.159 is released
2003-06-16AtarICQ 0.158 is released (3 year anniversary)
2003-05-05AtarICQ 0.157 is released
2003-03-02AtarICQ 0.156 is released
2002-12-30AtarICQ 0.155 is released
2002-03-23New archives (112-116) added to the Atari Icon Library
2002-03-19AtarICQ 0.154 is released (binary only in this update)
2002-03-09AtarICQ 0.153 is released
2002-01-07New archives (107-111) added to the Atari Icon Library. Real nice work from Gunnar Gröbel! Hopefully he'll keep up the good work also in the future :)
2001-10-21New archives (95-106) added to the Atari Icon Library. Thanks to Matthias Jaap for providing nice icons :))
2001-09-01AtarICQ 0.152 is released
2001-06-17AtarICQ is now available in Italian too! Thanks to Luke Fantinutti for great work :)
2001-06-16AtarICQ updated to 0.151 (Birthday both for myself and aICQ) ;)
2001-06-09Updated some links
2001-04-07A small file with ICQ icons is added to the AtarICQ page
2001-03-08AtarICQ updated to 0.150
2001-03-05Right now it is unfortunately not possible to download any of the ziparchives from this site. The problem is that the server on which this site is hosted has had very high traffic lately so they have temporarily disabled such downloads. They expect the problem to be cured within a week.
2001-02-23AtarICQ updated to 0.149
2001-02-09AtarICQ updated to 0.148
2001-01-28AtarICQ updated to 0.147
2001-01-11Added new icon archives, archive 85-94 -Icons are property of IconStreet and Scrow's Icons. All icons converted by me
2000-12-23Added new icon archives archive 83, archive 84 and gallery 11 -Awesome Christmas icons by Hideki Itoh added to library in the eleventh hour ;))
2000-12-18Uploaded Boxkite 2.15 to software page. Updated and added links, updated info on AtarICQ page
2000-12-03Added new icon archive 82 -New cool icons from Thierry Leroy, this time for documents. Thanks! :)
2000-10-29New update of AtarICQ -AtarICQ 0.146 is released!
2000-10-15Added new icon archive 81 -All nice icons for Atari music apps
All icons by Thierry Leroy. Thanks! :)
2000-10-12New update of AtarICQ -We are up to 0.145 and it is a massive update!!!
2000-09-24New update to the icon library! Added archive 74-80 and updated archive 46. Thanks to Thierry Leroy and SWE for great icons! :)
2000-09-02New update of AtarICQ -Read more for details about new features!
2000-08-19New update of AtarICQ. Now with possbility to create an ICQ account from scratch! Change your basic user info and use "Occupied" status mode. Also let me know what you think of the cosmetical stuff added! ;)
2000-07-21New update of AtarICQ Check out search, info request, extended info request!
2000-07-02Another update of AtarICQ.
2000-06-18Small update of AtarICQ.
2000-06-16Announcing AtarICQ with AICQ.OVL, an ICQ-client for Atari GEM. Read more!
2000-06-06Added new icon archive 72 ('Neon Genesis Evangelion' by Kim Luu) and 73 ('Parasite Eve')
All icons converted by Nicolas Richeton. Thanks! :)
2000-06-06Added new icon archive 71 (House Of D.A.K by Dmitry A. Kulinitch)
Converted by me
2000-06-04Added icons archives 59 (BeOS) and 60 (Mac8.5) 61 (hitech) 62 (Next98) 63 (documents) 64 (Macish system set) 65 (Mac icons) 66 (3d-icons) 67 (iMac icons) 68 (Macish 3d-icons) 69 (Application icons) 70 (Mac network icons)
All icons converted by Dieter Junius. Thanks for a great contribution! :)
2000-06-02Updated archive 5,27,30 and 51
Added new icon archives 52 (Cool blue) 53 (Sketch) 54 (BeOS) 55 (Mac-Style) 56 (Macintosh) 57 (Smileys) 58 (Mixed) art6 (tea icons) art7 (vegetable icons) art8 (tool icons) art9 (Halloween icons) art10 (Webcam icons)
All icons converted by either Dieter Junius or me. Have fun! :)
Note: I have more icons waiting to be sorted out and uploaded when I get time to do that, so please be patient.
2000-04-15New exercise in hEARCoach will be added if I can gather 5 new registred users. Read more
Added new icon archives 51 (folder icons) art3 (Boardgame icons), art4 (grocery icons) and art5 (Coffee icons) All icons converted by Dieter Junius and myself. Enjoy!
2000-04-10Added icons archives 49 (South Park) and 50 (smurfs) There will be more soon!
2000-03-14Added new section on link page (games) and updated other links as well.
Added some GFA-tips to the GFA-page
2000-03-09Finally releasing hEARCoach v0.97b! (Read my note about the future of hEARCoach)
Added new icon archives 47 and 48 and updated archive 30. Great job Dieter! :)
Uploaded new versions of Trapper (1.42) and Luna (1.50) to the software page
2000-02-11Added one new program (IcoSnap) and updated another (Search) on my GFA page
2000-02-08Fixed some problems with the new archives in the icon library. All links work OK now
2000-02-06Added archives 43, 44, 45, 46 and updated archives 5, 32 and 40 in the icon library. Thanks to Dieter Junius for yet a great contribution! :)
2000-01-30Preparing docs for hEARCoach 0.97b (soon to be released) and fixing some things on these pages...
2000-01-21Updated info for the upcoming version of hEARCoach as well as the link page and some links on the GFA page
2000-01-10Added zControl 0.25a to the software page
2000-01-05Updated icon archives 5 and 7 and also added Y2k-patches and more new stuff to the software page
2000-01-04Updated icon archives 5 and 40
2000-01-02Once again new info for the upcoming hEARCoach 0.97b and a new icon set by Hideki Itoh is added and the game icons for Doom and others are moved to library 42
1999-12-30Updated info for the upcoming version of hEARCoach
1999-12-28Added "artist section", where you will find original icon sets. Thanks to Hideki Itoh who kindly gave me permission to distribute the Atari conversion of his icons.
Added archive 41 and updated icon archives 5, 37 and 39
1999-12-23Updated icon archive 37 and added more games icons to the frontpage
1999-12-22Added icon archive 40
1999-12-21Added icon archive 37, 38 and 39 and updated archive 5 and 35
1999-12-19Updated som links and uploaded some ID-games icons to the main page
1999-12-07Added links to authors in the software page
1999-12-03Added a review of hEARCoach from Atari Computing 14
1999-11-28Updated archive 27, archive 28 and archive 33 and added archive 36
1999-11-27Updated the icon library with a christmas archive and added 7 more trashcans to archive 5. More stuff will be up real soon. Once again, thanks to Dieter Junius! :)
1999-10-15Updated the icon library with 5 new archives. Many thanks to Dieter Junius for all the good stuff!
1999-10-02Updated the icon library with 10 new archives. Thanks to Keith Hasama, Heiko Achilles, Ulrich Gössel and Dieter Junius. (Note: The icons from Ulrich Gössel have shareware status!)
Uploaded new version (4.53) of the text editor Qed to the software page
1999-09-20Updated the link page and the hEARCoach page. More icons for the Atari Icon Library has been recieved and I will add them as soon as I can so please be patient!
1999-09-12Updated the link page
1999-09-11Added 7 new archives (13-19) to the icon library. Thanks to Joergen Bak, Matthias Jaap and Bengy Collins
1999-09-09Updated some links on my link page and added info and files to download on the help page for the Atari Icon Library
1999-09-04Fixed the site to view properly with CAB
Created this "what's new" page
Updated icon archive 5 with a fixed Win95 trashcan
1999-09-03Added new icons to the icon library. Thanks to Bernd Mädicke
1999-09-02Updated info on the hEARCoach page

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